

Who We Serve


Lean-Management & Continuous Improvement Services:

LeanOft brings innovation and customer-focused process and production development to the forefront. LeanOft optimizes your operations ensuring long-term sustainability and increased profitability through lean methodology.

Culture and Leadership:

Management plays a key role in successful organizational development. A management culture that strategically supports innovation and continuous organizational development, creates home for innovation and a sustainable lean culture. People-centered change management makes any transformation a sustainable success.

Here is how LeanOft supports you:

  • Leadership Coaching

  • Project and Change Management

  • Efficient Shop-floor Management & Communication

  • Organizational Development and Innovation

  • Change Management & Culture

Operational Excellence & Lean Management

A clear understanding and identification of what 'value' means to your customers will give you a competitive and financial advantage. In reality, value creation is what your customers are willing to pay for.

We work with you to apply the principles of Lean Thinking to optimize your operations. Whether it is the patient ('client') experience in your clinic, the flow of goods in production or information in the office or along the supply chain, we can help you achieve shorter lead times, reduce inventory to increase cash flow and maximize quality.

Here is how LeanOft supports you:

  • Lean Production & Administration

  • Clinic/Hospital layout Planning and Optimization

  • Production/Factory Planning and Optimization

  • Process Improvement

  • Visual Management

  • Built-in Quality

  • Just-in-Time Internal Logistics

  • Inventory Management (Kanban/Supermarket)

  • Level Production Planning and Order Processing

  • Daily Management

  • Standardization of Products and Services

  • Knowledge Management

  • Performance Check and Evaluation

  • In-house training

  • Digital Transformation (Digitization & Digitalization)

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